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Investing together with Duke

By partnering with fellow members of the Duke family and with the University itself, our members are presented with unique opportunities to invest in, and engage with, innovative early-stage companies.


Over 200 members have joined since Duke Capital Partner's inception in 2015, providing a wealth of experience.


Our members have invested $75M+ in over 60 companies since inception and invested over $12M in FY24, making Duke Capital Partners one of the most active investing groups inside a university.


Our members appreciate our high deal quality (99% satisfaction), due diligence (97%), and deal variety (94%).

A unique way to engage with Duke

Being a member of Duke Capital Partners is more than just investing: it’s also a way to stay engaged with fellow alumni members and with the most exciting Duke-connected investment opportunities. Members often contribute their subject matter expertise in diligence and through portfolio support. The result? Successful, innovative companies with powerful, longitudinal ties to Duke that are redefining industries from consumer software to biomaterial implants.

See our portfolio

The Member Experience

Hear directly from members about their experience as part of Duke Capital Partners.

Sunrise on Duke Chapel, rising over the Sarah P Duke gardens, 7:14am August 29th, 2018

“I have been a Duke Capital Partners member since its inception and it has been very inspiring to see the progression in quality of investment opportunities, professionalism of the diligence and communication, high quality of interaction with other Duke Capital Partners members, and above all the lasting impact of funding ventures of growth businesses led by Duke faculty, alumni and even students. Duke Capital Partners is truly commercial and results driven, which is practicing what Duke preaches: making a real impact in the real world. It is energizing to learn about many businesses, invest in a few, and watch and help support their progress."

– Duke Capital Partners member

Duke Capital Partners far exceeds high expectations in terms of deal flow, information flow, and quality of diligence. I find interactions with the team to be uniformly interesting and productive. Being involved with the breadth of companies that Duke Capital Partners brings to its members is a unique learning experience that deepens my connection to Duke. Being a Duke Capital Partners member is like taking a graduate course in venture investing. I highly recommend membership to all my friends and colleagues.”

– Duke Capital Partners member

Duke Capital Partners is a critical component of Duke's educational mission and the entrepreneurial ecosystem and culture Duke needs to create for its students, faculty, and alumni. It creates a meaningful connection between students and alumni, providing networking also between alumni. It is also a vital element for the education Duke offers its students, teaching real-world problem-solving, creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration/teamwork. These are life-skills that all Duke graduates should have, whether or not they plan to start their own companies or simply be 'intrapreneurs' within larger organizations.”

– Duke Capital Partners member

Membership Criteria

Our work revolves around the Duke family. Not only are the entrepreneurs we support and students we educate part of the Duke University ecosystem, our members are integral to it as well. Affiliation with Duke can mean: alum, faculty, staff, student, donor, or close family member of any of those.

Our members must be accredited investors as defined by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Duke Capital Partners annual membership fee is $1,750.

Members make their own investment decisions on every deal. Members are expected to contribute and collaborate on diligence processes and support portfolio companies in any of the myriad ways investors can be helpful to early-stage businesses. We encourage and welcome suggestions of potential new members who should join the network, and appreciate member referrals to appropriate investment opportunities.

Monthly Info Sessions

Interested in learning more about Duke Capital Partners and how you can become an investor member? Join us at our monthly Zoom info sessions and get your questions answered!

2nd Thursday of the month, 4-5pm ET

Register here to join the info session!

Join Duke Capital Partners

Ready to roll up your sleeves and dig into some exciting opportunities? We want to hear from you! Apply to be a Duke Capital Partners member by selecting “Investor Membership” on our contact form.

We Want to Hear From You.

Contribute to Duke Capital Partners

Duke Capital Partners gratefully accepts gifts in support of our mission to strengthen the university’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Learn more